Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Educational Issue Paper: Standards Based Curriculum Essay

There are many concerns that of the education system of the U. S. are faced with. One of these concerns is that the education system does not and can not adequately prepare the students for the 21st century life and work. Because of this, numerous educational professionals across the county have been trying new ways in changing the U. S. educational system. Different educational reforms have been tried and tested in different states. In several states, policy makers are changing the educational system in such a way that the measurement of the effectiveness of teaching and education is being based on results or outcomes instead of traditional inputs such as hours spent in class and in course credits earned. Policy makers have termed this educational reform as the standards-based curriculum or the outcome-based curriculum. The position of the author of this paper is for the standards-based curriculum to be implemented and to continue to be implemented in all states of the U.  S. The author believes that the standards-based curriculum in the U. S. educational system will help improve student learning by the effective restructuring of the teaching and learning process guided by the standards which are set by policy makers and educational experts. The author will therefore aim to provide justifications on siding for the standards-based curriculum in this paper. This paper will further aim to give the strong points as well as the weak points of standards-based curriculum. Standards-based curriculum as an education reform is based on the analogy of education to the business and manufacturing sector where total quality movement is being implemented. Total quality movement in the business sector is a belief that the best way for business organizations to reach their ideal goals is to first determine where they are now and where they want to be in and then plan backwards to determine the best possible way for them to get from where they are now to where they want to be. The main idea behind the standards-based curriculum is standards. A standard is a level of quality or achievement which is thought to be at a level of being acceptable. A standard is also used to measure or to estimate the degree or quality of an object. When used in the educational system, standards would comprise of a cumulative body of knowledge and set of competencies which will be the basis for the quality of education. Standards would express what all students should know and should be able to do after attending school. Standards however, do not include how these students would be able to learn things (Judy Steiner, n. . ). Setting standards in a national level through the standards-based curriculum would give all students equal opportunity because all students would be compared to the same set of standards which would be set nationally. There is a need for these standards to be at a national level in order to have a degree of uniformity in every school. If these standards would not be uniform then each teacher or each school would set his or their own standards for students. The demands on students would then be different from teacher to teacher or from school to school. If this happens then there would be inconsistency in both instruction and in assessment. Thus, it is important that national standards should be set in the standards-based curriculum. Another advantage of having a standards-based curriculum is that it provides students with clear understanding on what they need to know at different levels of their education. Exams and assessment on student learning are given on a national level to determine the progress of students in achieving the set standards. These assessment procedures would also indicate students who are not achieving the standards earlier in order to give them effective remedial assistance (Judy Steiner, n. d. ). Having set standards through the standards-based curriculum would create effective learning because the curriculum would provide all students the expectations that the state has for them. Having set standards would also be beneficial to the different stakeholders in education. Standards-based curriculum would provide the state with a common reference tool which can be used to define the framework for national testing. Standards-based curriculum would also provide schools and districts with a clear focus on how to develop and organize their instructions and assessment programs as well as the content that they will include in their curriculum. Standards-based curriculum would also help teachers to design and restructure their way of teaching and assessment and would help them create more meaningful lessons. Teachers would also be asked to make their students understand clearly the expectations which would improve student learning. For the students, standards-based curriculum would give them a set of performance expectations that would be clear and would help them understand what they need to do to meet the set standards. Standards-based education would also allow the parents to determine how their children are coping up in their education through the communication of the set standards for learning. Once parents know the expectations on their children, then they will know if their children are attaining the standards or not (Judy Steiner, n. d. ). One advantage of standards-based curriculum is that the performance expectations are the ones that are identified. Standards-based curriculum does not indicate how the students should come to attain these set standards. This can be an advantage because teachers, schools and districts would be given the opportunity in coming up with new learning ideas that would enable their students to attain these set standards. Since there are many ways to arrive at the same result, teachers, schools and districts would come up with different approaches in teaching and eventually, through experimentation, would come up with a teaching approach that can be implemented at a national level. However, this can also be seen as a weakness in the standards-based curriculum because it would lead to the question of who will be held accountable in determining what standards to be set and how the schools and districts would reach the set standards (Judy Steiner, n. d. ). There are also other concerns about the weakness of a standards-based curriculum that it would lead to a centralized education in the U. S. Opponents of the standards-based curriculum argue that this educational reform would undermine innovation at the local level. Schools and districts would not be given the opportunity of improving their education system within themselves. Opponents to the standards-based curriculum also argue that setting national standards would limit what students should learn and would not allow for diversity among students and the specific needs of the different populations. Some learning expectations that are demanded from students may be applicable to some states but may not be applicable to other states or population within the U. S. (Judy Steiner, n. d. ). Although there are many concerns regarding standards-based curriculum, the author still maintains his position in favor for the standards-based curriculum because the author believes that this type of educational reform has more positive effects than it has negative. Another positive effect this type of curriculum has is on the assessment of students. Traditional curriculum would rely on students’ memorization and mastery of the subject matter in order to get good grades or marks during examinations. This type of assessment has the purpose of determining if students have learned specific knowledge that is part of the curriculum. In the standards-based curriculum, assessment is intertwined with standards and has become an integral part of both the curriculum and the instruction program. Assessment through the standards-based curriculum no longer tests students in terms of the accumulation of facts and information but would rather emphasize on the students use and application of such knowledge. Standards-based curriculum would then assess students on their ability to think critically in terms of knowledge application. Standards-based curriculum would focus on testing students’ higher order thinking skills rather than just their ability to master lessons or memorization. Assessment in a standards-based curriculum becomes a continuous process which would provide teachers the performance data of students to be set as a benchmark as students move on to the next level in education. Assessment in a standards-based curriculum creates an environment where students would become successful since assessment is not as rigid as those of the traditional curriculum. Students can attain a standard at different acceptable levels. All in all, standards-based curriculum has more positive effects than it has negative effects in education. Standards should be well thought of and should be applicable to all populations of the country. However, standards in and of themselves are meaningless. The author believes that the important thing to consider in the standards-based curriculum is how teachers, educators, schools, districts and other policy makers in education help the students in attaining these set standards. There should be a very good monitoring system in ensuring that teachers are doing everything possible in making sure that students attain and achieve the performance expectations that are asked from them.

Palestine vs Orientalism Essay

Joe Sacco’s Palestine is a journalist’s journey throughout the Palestinian lifestyle, Israel and other facets of the state. Not only does Sacco voluntarily put himself into a dangerous occupied territory but he also assembles himself as a character in his engaging novel. Sacco is collecting the stories of the Palestinians and the destruction that Israelis have brought to their lives and families. Edward Said’s Orientalism provides a parallel to Sacco’s novel, as he conveys a plethora of false assumptions underlying Western attitudes toward the East. Said examines the different aspects of orientalism and gives light to the fact that because orientalism has lasted in our world this long, it has no . Although Said’s Orientalism is similar to Sacco’s Palestine, Said’s description of the Western world and its view of the East require one to rely on Sacco’s examples of true life stories to determine one’s own definition of orientalism. Sacco’s Palestine gives readers an inside look into the diminishing Palestinian life during the first intifada in which Sacco was present. The first intifada was a very powerful and liberating time in Palestine, as the citizens were revolting against the Israeli occupation of the Palestinian Territories Israel had control over. After witnessing the horrific tragedy that many Palestinians experience each day from Israel, Sacco interviews a family that has lost their stable income and family heritage. An older man explains â€Å"The olive tree is our main source of living†¦we use the oil for our food and we buy clothes with the oil we sell†¦a good roman tree can produce 20-30 liters in a year†¦ here we have nothing else but the trees†¦ The Israelis know that an olive tree is the same as our sons†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (Sacco 61-62). Not only did the Israeli soldiers cut down all of the families olive trees leaving them with nothing, the soldiers also forced the older man Sacco interviewed to cut some of his own olive trees down by himself. This incident is extremely powerful and moving, knowing that for a lifetime this man had a stable income and knew that his family would always be taken care of with these trees and now he is being over powered by the soldiers to take that all away. This provides a clear example of the helplessness that Palestinians experience under Israeli occupation of their home land. Both readings prove to be valid in their explanations of orientalism and anti-orientalism although, Edward Said’s idea of orientalism is indefinite which is obtained in Sacco’s Palestine and the day-to-day lives of the Palestinians that Sacco presents. The western influence has burrowed into the lives of the orient and created turmoil between Israelis and Palestinians. The Western support of Israel has only heightened the resentment toward Palestinians. As an Israeli business woman states her Orientalist view toward Palestine â€Å"Maybe, if I were a Palestinian I’d be a terrorist, too, to get back my land† (Sacco 254). It is evident that these Western ideas of the said â€Å"Terrorists† have spread so rapidly into Israel, when in reality Israel and the aggressive techniques their soldiers are taught to use against the Palestinians are in fact terrorist attacks in themselves. Despite the similarities; Said’s Orientalism stands out beyond the true context of Sacco’s Palestine. â€Å"†¦ in short, Orientalism is a Western style for dominating, restructuring, and having authority over the Orient† (Said 3). Because of the agreement between the Western states and Israel, the Israeli army and governmental views are very similar to the ones the Western world has, thus, creating authority over the Israeli Orient. On the other hand Sacco’s Palestine shows readers the evil and more or less terrorist like views of Israel. Taha, a Palestinian expresses his anger towards Israel when his friend, Shreef, admits that he wants a visa in able to work in Israel. Shreef states that he â€Å"has no problem with the Israelis†¦they are like Europeans† (Sacco 2). Taha reacts abruptly, slamming his over-sized clenched fist down onto the game table that had before held chess pieces. With saliva connecting between his teeth, with wide mouth, Taha lets out a startling. Palestine is an underdeveloped and vulnerable state; Israel is able to build a stronger built army with powerful tactics in order to take advantage of the weak and pacific (peaceful) manner of the Palestinians. Throughout Sacco’s journey he soon realizes that what he has encountered is now more of a pilgrimage. He even goes as far as to name a sub-chapter Pilgrimage, showing the reader that they’ve been on this pilgrimage with him. The families that let this American journalist, Joe Sacco, into their lives are very brave in showing him their true pain and struggle. Many of the interviewees struggle with the question is Sacco going to do anything to help them after they let him into their lives. The facts and stories that are full forcibly thrown at Sacco and the readers make it hard to not spread the word about the occupy happening in Palestine and the torture that the innocent Palestinians must go through every day. Even if Sacco’s novel doesn’t make a significant change in Palestine how they are treated it may although, make a significant change in a person of any race, and allow that person to examine their own life and be thankful for what they have. Ultimately, Said’s careful and precise wording provides a better standpoint for the argument of â€Å"the other† within Orientalism. With â€Å"the other† conclusively being someone of another race, nationality, religion and/or gender. Orientalism will continue to exist be taught and learned, until the western and the east come to an underline consensus about each other. A reason for the westerns view about the east and vice versa is a lack of knowledge about one other. Sacco made a lasting impression with his work in Palestine in order to more accurately educate those who know nothing more than bias, orientalism views.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Development of Greek Architecture

Same for Doric Style Visual Comparison -List the differences, similarities -Were the circumstances vastly different during the time periods of each (war, peace, etc. )? Conclusion Development of Greek Architecture: The Doric and Ionic Orders Undoubtedly, most eople have had the experience of driving around neighborhoods to look at Christmas lights with their family. We have all seen those humongous, beautiful houses or churches with the winding driveway, tall windows, or columns framing the face of the house.However, very few people may stop to actually examine the homes and wonder about why they were made the way that they were. People may not know of the architectural structures from hundreds of thousands of years ago that are influencing those modern buildings. Columns, for example, are remnants of an era that changed the way that many cultures build structures; the height of Ancient Greece. The Doric and Ionic orders arose during that time and remain a staple in structural design . I will explain the two orders as well as compare them using two different, specific temples.I will also give background information on the architects of each temple, on new ideas that sprung up during this time, and on events that could have influenced the development of structure in Greece and surrounding areas. During the Orientalizing Period in the seventh century, the Greeks built a temple at Prinias that resembled the Mycenaean megaron which travelers may have seen uring a Journey for trade. However, in sixth century BCE, known as the Archaic Period, Greek architects began to look to Egyptian structures such as the columnar halls in Karnak.With these in mind, they began to build the stone columnar temples that have become the iconic Greek style and have influenced architecture throughout the Western world. The basic Greek peristyle temple was put under the intense study of architects and philosophers who were trying the find a way to construct the ‘perfect temple'. Vitr uvius, a Greek writer, documented that both doric and ionic types eveloped while architects were trying to translate the styles of temples that were made of wood, mud bricks, and other less durable materials into stone and marble temples.These would undoubtedly last longer and if they could discover the optimal proportions, they could potentially build their ideal or ‘perfect' temple. People started searching for a mathematical formula that could be used to calculate the correct balance for all parts of the temple, which reflected the thinking of philosopher Pythagoras of Samos. He believed that that beauty resided in the harmony of ratios, so a Greek architect named Iktinos came up with a set roportional scheme that resulted in a formula for the best balanced temple.Within the bounds of this formulaic approach, there developed two systems, or orders of designing the three parts of ‘elevation' in a Greek temple. The three parts are the platform (stylobate), the colonnade , and the superstructure (entablature). The Doric order and the Ionic order differ in the detail and proportions of these parts. Their names are derived from the cultures and areas from which they supposedly originated (Dorians in central and southern Greece and Ionians in Athens and ‘Ionia', the west coast and Asia Minor).Both systems had the basic elements of a Greek temple (elevation from a platform, columns with a fluted shaft and a capital, entablatures with a frieze, a pediment, so on and so forth). The striking differences occurred in the designs ot these elements The Doric order was the tirst to develop during the 6th century. It had a much sturdier, squat look than the later ionic styles. The columns were thick, immense stone cuts that sat atop the stylobate. The fluted shafts were topped with a pancake-looking, simple capital that had a rectangular slab (abacus) between it and the bottom of the entablature.Resting on the columns is the entablature which includes an a rchitrave (closest to the columns), a frieze, a cornice, a pediment, and a raking cornice. (All of these describe the order of the temple from bottom to top). A distinctive feature of the doric order is that the frieze is broken up vertically by triglyphs and metopes. The plain, flat capital also marks a difference between the doric system and other styles. An example of a classic Doric order temple would be the Temple of Hera I which is located in Paestum, Italy (see Image #1).It was constructed around 550 BCE and is 80 feet tall and 170 feet wide. Also referred to as the ‘Basilica', its thick columns (nine across the front and back and eighteen down both sides) are closely spaced and resemble the shape of a cigar because they taper in slightly at the top. They are topped with the flat, circular capitals. Although almost the entire collection of columns remains, the majority of the entablature is no longer there. The Ionic order developed a little after the Doric Order, in th e a different area.The system began with the same basic structure of temple, including a platform or stylobate, columns (which occasionally had a base hat stood out from the shaft), a capital, and an entablature with an architrave, frieze, cornice, and pediment. However, the columns are slightly farther apart from each other and they are also more slender than the doric style. A good way to imagine an ionic temple is of it having ‘lost weight'. They are not significantly taller, but may appear so because thinner columns and spacing. The capital is made of two volutes and resembles the curling ends of a scroll.Some other distinct aspects of the Ionic system are that the frieze is left open and undivided, and also that the architrave is generally subdivided into three bands. As I previously mentioned, ionic temples also had columns with a base that was distinguishable from the fluted shaft. The Temple of Athena Sounias, located at Cape Sounia, still stands with a full entablatur e (see Image #3). You can see the volutes on the capitals of the slender columns. However, the frieze is divided up by triglyphs and metopes, and you can also see the smooth architrave.Both of these reflect the elements of the original doric craftsmanship, so this piece of architecture cannot be considered exclusively ionic, as it has some doric influence. This temple was built in the middle of the 5th century, which would xplain the dualism in the style of attributes on the temple. A more modern, but basically accurate example of the Ionic style would be the University of Oslo in Norway (see image #4). The frontal steps lead up to a colonnaded porch, with columns reaching from their bases to their scroll-like capitals. The architrave is banded, but the frieze is completely smooth and open.The pediment is also filled with figures all positioned so that they fit into triangle shape but still maintain proper proportions, which was used in previous eras. The temples themselves had vari ous internal structures which varied depending n the architect, the region, or the purpose of the building. Some temples had columns that only went across the front (prostyle) while some had them across the front and back (amphiprostyle). Temples like the Temple of Athena Sounias and the Temple ot Hera I are reterred to as ‘peristyle' because they nave columns all the way around the cella (inner sacred room) and the porch area.However, all of the distinctive qualities of both the Doric order and Ionic order are mainly centered in features at the front of the temples, as well as their columns. The Greek architects' insistence on proportional harmony was the driving force ehind many styles between the sixth and fourth centuries. The closest that they ever came to achieving a ‘perfect temple' was the Parthenon, built on the Acropolis of Athens in the mid-flfth century BCE (see Image #5).

Monday, July 29, 2019

Summarises the themes Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Summarises the themes - Essay Example The position seemed extremely painful and the body must have been subjected to excruciating pain through this activity. Considering this position, watching from above, the soul was extremely angry. The anger became stronger and stronger; however, he was powerless and could not do anything but watch. He screamed and shouted to let his body free and not subject it to such horrific activities. He would become quiet and listen to what they had to say and what they plan to do next and then start screaming again for mercy. After being subjected to this level of misery and not being able to do anything about it, he gave up. Once he gave up he found that everything changed. He now found himself in a place which was far away from this dreadful scene. He found peace and beauty from where he was now present. The environment was serene which left his speechless. He found himself floating in an area where there were beautiful rainbows and delicate beings. Everywhere he looked there were colors and sounds that were soothing to the ear. At once he forgot the pain he was being subjected and became lost in this beautiful world. The place seems timeless and he wanted it never to go away. The beauty was never ending, could be seen till far. In white robes, loving being welcomed him to his new home. He found them to be caring and helped him cross over to the next world. He left behind all pain and sorrow to be become a part of this new beautiful world. The being circled around him to show him that they were present at all times to comfort him and help him. The environment was such that all transparent clouds were blended together to bring about the beautiful scenario. The joy and happiness was unmatchable. It was serene and it was at once understood that it is only God who can create such an environment. The beings circling around him were sent by God to guide him into the right direction. His suffering was finally over and now he could become a part of this beautiful

Sunday, July 28, 2019

The Filipino and the Drunkard Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

The Filipino and the Drunkard - Essay Example This confirms his passive aggressiveness to actually inflict injury on another person. Though this may be considered as proof that there was conclusive intent on his part to kill the drunkard, the circumstance of his utterance evidences the contrary. There was unlawful aggression on the part of the drunkard but his actions of stabbing, although it is categorically harassment of a grave nature, does not equate to a real life threatening situation which would make self-defense appreciable. It is not a reasonable means in relation to the type of aggression. There was no overt act on the part of the American that manifests he is without a doubt going to hurt or kill the Filipino. He had no deadly weapon except the fact that he was significantly bigger than the boy. Furthermore, one must consider that he was in a state of drunkenness and this is an alternative circumstance since he does not have the full capacity to grasp his actions and the right state of mind. When the drunkard grabbed hold of the boy and was choking him, we must consider that there was also provocation on the part of the Filipino since he first stabbed the man. It was clear from the facts that the Filipino was already overcome with rage and had decided to hurt the drunkard but he did not want to kill him. On a sudden fit of rage he stabbed the man once. If he was able to thrust his knife multiple times while was held compromisingly by the physically larger drunkard, then, on the first attack he would have already done so. This proves that his initial intention was to somehow physically hurt the man. But to reiterate, he was not completely without fault and to fully absolve him of his acts would be

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Should a Muslim center be built near ground zero Essay

Should a Muslim center be built near ground zero - Essay Example The proponents of the proposed development on the other hand have argued the Islamic center will not touch not even an inch of where the twin towers stood, and upon completion, the Islamic center that comprises of Swimming pool, libraries, basketball court, day-care facility, auditorium, cooking school and a restaurant will be accessible to all and not only Muslims. No one can dispute that America is a land where freedom of worship is one of the country’s founding principle. The fact remains that, on dealing with a proposed a mosque near ground zero, a lot factors must be considered, as this is not just any other ordinary mosque to be built in another ordinary location. Opponents The memories of September 11, terrorist attacks will forever be held in American’s hearts and especially to the hearts of the Americans’ who lost their beloved ones. The ground zero symbolized America’s commitment of ensuring the same thing does not happen in the future by waging a war on Islamic extremists. Hence by building an Islamic center near the ground zero will not only be tantamount to conceding ground to the extremist but also opening up fresh wounds suffered by friends and families of the September 11, terrorist attacks. Ground zero is the only cemetery friends and family members have of the victims that perished in the terror attacks, as they did not get the opportunity to bury their loved ones let alone seeing their bodies. Establishing a shopping center near ground zero will be sacrilege while developing a mosque near ground zero will be regarded as abomination. According to Islamic traditions, monuments are built as a remembrance of great victories achieved. A mosque in one way or the other symbolizes victory to Allah. This brings into focus the perspective that the mosque is built to acknowledge triumph of the Islamic terrorists of September 11. To add salt to the injury the leader of the Hamas group, a Palestinian terrorist group has openly declared his support to the development of the mosque near ground zero. The fact remains that, if the project is meant to promote harmony among the various denominations of religions, the best idea is that should be built in a way that the various religions can access it and hold their respective services instead of the current scenario where one religion is entitled to hold its service while the rest of the community can use the social amenities. One thing that should remain clear is that the proposed mosque near ground zero should not be painted as choice between close-minded bigotry and freedom of religion. Proponents In his celebration of the holy month of Ramadan, president Obama was full of praise for the proposed plans to develop a mosque two blocks away from ground zero. In his support, the president retaliated that the foundations upon which the religious freedom is built on should remain firm and unshakable, as this was one of the writs of America’s founders (D†™Souza 202). Denying the American Muslims their right to build a mosque in their preferred place of choice, will tantamount to playing into the wicked thinking of our enemies’ way of life. By rejecting the proposed mosque, America will be handling victory to the terrorists that planned the September 11 terrorist attacks by letting

Friday, July 26, 2019

Quantitative Research Manuscript Critique Assignment

Quantitative Research Manuscript Critique - Assignment Example 1365). Among the independent variables includes the effects of emotional intelligence education to the students while the dependent variables included the development of emotional intelligence in children (p. 1367). The research question of the manuscript at hand was â€Å"How did emotional intelligence program affect the emotional intelligence of young children†. To answer the research question at hand, a personal information form research instrument was utilized in the collection of demographic characteristics’ data. The used scale, the Sullivan Emotional Intelligence Scale comprised of scales for children intelligence, empathy scale, and teacher rating scale. These scales, as applied to the present manuscript indicate a validity and reliability of 0.68 to 0.90 and 0.97 to 0.99 respectively (p. 1367). Under the emotional intelligence scale; recognition, understanding, and management of emotions are tested. On the other hand, empathy scale aimed at measuring the empathic reaction of the control group, comprised of children only. The results from the study were collected and entered into an SPSS statistical analysis software where Covariance Analysis was conducted to compare the group that was enrolled to the program and that which was not (pp. 1367-1368). Since the analysis method was experimental in design, the use of T-test was essential. Ulutas, I., & Omeroglu, E. (2007). The Effects of an Emotional Intelligence Education Program on the Emotional Intelligence of Children. Social Behavior and Personality, Vol. 35 No. 10; pp. 1365-1372. Accessed online on November 25, 2014 from

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Interpersonal Communication - Listening Skills - Communication Essay

Interpersonal Communication - Listening Skills - Communication apprehension, Compliance-gaining method or Social Exhange theory and relational currencies (p. 22 - Essay Example the communicator may ignore the fact that his/her request is unrealistic or extremely dominant, so the framework is not a remedy against one’s narrow-mindness or inability to empathize, i.e. extrapolate the other person’s situation on his/her own conditions and experience the same emotions and aspirations. It is also important to understand that those techniques should be used wisely, especially when combining some of them, as the sixteen strategies are quite diverse and often incompatible with each other. The situations, described by Trenholm and Jensen include the need for reaching consent with a senior, who will be asked for providing her basement for noisy party. Another case study employs gaining compliance with a person, who will be asked for small service – feeding the communicator’s cat for two days. Another case contains the situation, when it is necessary to ask a stranger for a service, i.e. impose to him certain behavior. As one might assume, the component of persuasion is presented in all cases, so the scholars, referring to appropriate investigations, conclude that communicators are expected to build their requests in a friendly and polite manner, which would make him/her attractive to an interlocutor. The first strategy, promise, is associated with basic human needs and deriving motivations, which include the reference to mercantile human nature as a universal law. Rewards are gained as positive reinforcement which stimulates individuals to go ahead with their useful deeds. On the contrary, threat is used in order to intimidate an interlocutor, so the main precondition for this strategy is trust to the communicator, or, in some sense, asymmetric relationship between the two persons (threats are often used with children, as they perceive negative reinforcement a bit stronger than reward). Expertise is one more usable strategy, as it points to communicator’s knowledge of positive consequence, which

Interpersonal Communicatio Letter of advice Ashford University Research Paper

Interpersonal Communicatio Letter of advice Ashford University - Research Paper Example Every kind of communication is complex due to the existence of various variables in it. According to King (2000), â€Å"theorists note that whenever we communicate there are really at least six "people" involved: 1) who you think you are; 2) who you think the other person is; 30 who you think the other person thinks you are; 4) who the other person thinks /she is; 5) who the other person thinks you are; and 6) who the other person thinks you think s/he is†. d) Interpersonal communication is contextual: It is not possible for an interpersonal communication to occur on an isolated platform. There are different context on which interpersonal communication occurs. These are relational, psychological, situational and cultural context. It would also be necessary for you to understand that apart from principles there are certain misconceptions about interpersonal communication which will help you in having a better understanding of the whole phenomenon. You should know that the concept of interpersonal relationship has been made as a magical process to solve relationship issue by social media and network. However in real sense, interpersonal communication is not a very joyful process in a relationship. I would like to tell you that as believed, interpersonal communication is not a concept which is based on commonsense. If it has been so, then we would not have had so many problems related with it. Apart from common sense, interpersonal communication needs an extensive use of skill and tactics. This could be explained by telling that the females and males look at any relationship issue from a different perspective. So the common sense of both is different and looking at a problem from various angles can create more problems. You both also need to understand that in order to practice a good interpersonal communication, one need to understand the barriers related to it. For

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Mexican History -Research paper biography of Miguel Hildago y Costilla Research

Mexican History - biography of Miguel Hildago y Costilla - Research Paper Example Hidalgo then declined invading Mexico and instead took the town of Guadalajara. After this point Hidalgo’s rebellion was counter-acted until his eventual execution (Chasteen 2001). Throughout his life Miguel Hidalgo enjoyed many achievements and failures. While Miguel Hidalgo is notable for a number of reasons, the primary reasons for his notoriety is because of the rebellion he enacted. Hidalgo was born into a well-off family and early in life he received a very solid education. Indeed, one of his greatest achievements during this period was his earning his degree in philosophy in 1773. He then went on to become ordained as a priest in 1778. Then in 1790 be became dean of San Nicolas school. After moving to Dolores in 1803, another one of Hidalgo’s great achievements was using the area’s natural resources to devise ways to help the poor. Perhaps the achievement Hidalgo is most recognized for is his enacting a large-scale rebellion in Mexico. During this process Hidalgo received a number of honors and accomplishments, including His Most Serene Highness. There were a number of personality elements that led Hidalgo in success and failure. In terms of the rebellion, perhaps the most prominent personality elements consisted of his religious affiliation, which gave the rebellion a moral center and contributed to Hidalgo’s leadership ability.

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Research paper on Armenia Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Research paper on Armenia - Essay Example In this paper, we will focus on the historical contexts of Armenia. With that, we mean that we will delve into the historical times of the country and what cultural attachments there are for us to see and understand from in the context of Armenia as a historical state. Whilst on the topic of research for this paper, we find that Armenia as a nation has never found things going easily for herself. There have been invasions, troubles, and battles all around which have marred the historical significance of the country nonetheless. Armenia since prehistoric times has been proposed as the Garden of Eden as it is surrounded by the Biblical mountains of the Ararat. The Armenian highlands are credited as being as first ones in the world to have any traces of human civilization. The capital of Armenia, Yerevan has founded in the year 782 BC and is a rich splendor when the talk rises up concerning the heritage of human civilizations. Orontid Dynasty is known as the first kingdom which was formed within Armenia and this had its fair share under the different dynasties that actually existed within the time until 428 AD. This kingdom became one of the most powerful ones between 95 and 66 BC. There were periods of independence which were enjoyed by Armenia during this time as well as autonomy was there for the rulers to enjoy during the dynasty. The dynasty thus can easily suggest to us the sort of aura Armenia had for its countrymen and women yet it failed to live up to the historians’ expectations in the matter that there were troubles looming all around.

Monday, July 22, 2019

Indian Burying Grond Essay Example for Free

Indian Burying Grond Essay The Indian Burying Ground In Freneaus poem The Indian Burying Ground, the reader is presented with the two different views on life after death. One of the perspectives is from the Christian religion. The other is from the perspective of an Indian religion. The Christian religion thinks that just because you are buried lying down that you will be in an eternal sleep. The Indian religion is just the opposite of this. The religion believes that when you die your soul still lives on and you are reunited with all things that have passed on before you. Through many poetic devices, Freneau contrasts the Indian religion view of life after death and his own. The Indian religion, mentioned in the poem The Indian Burying Ground, and the Christian religion are very different in the belief of an afterlife. The following is from the perspective of Freneau. The lines in the first stanza The posture that we give the dead, points out the souls eternal sleep. tells that the lying down posture that Christians are buried in suggests that they will be in an eternal sleep. The Indian religion in the poem says that your soul lives on forever after you die. The second stanza talks about when a person dies he is once again seated with his friends and joins them in a feast. The following quotes from the third stanza nature of the soul and knows no rest suggests that when a person dies the soul of that person doesnt die with him, but just moves on to another form. In the fourth stanza the quotes life is spent and not the old ideas gone suggests that after you have died your ideas and you as a person are not forgotten but remembered forever. There is a place where all the souls gather and sit. In the fifth stanza there is talk of a stranger observing the place where all the souls have come to sit. This person is obviously influenced by the Christian view of life after death. The person is shown that the souls are not all lying down like he has though but all are in the sitting position. An Indian is showing this person around the place where all the souls have gathered, showing him that people live on after life. One of the things the person is showed is a  tree with kids playing in its shade. Another thing he is shown is an ancient Indian queen. There are many other things that man sees to make him believe that what he is seeing is real. People in the world are too closed minded and only put things into reason. It is hard for people to actually believe in what the Indian religion says about life after death because it is too complicated for them to believe in such a thing. When a person is showed to the actual gathering of souls and participating in a feast it is hard for him to deny what is actually happening. A person has no choice but to believe in what is actually occurring. Although the Christian view of an after life differs from the Indian view, the many poetic devices in the poem helps the readers understand the two different perspectives even if they are not normal.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Analysis of Human Fossil Findings in Indonesia

Analysis of Human Fossil Findings in Indonesia Indonesia is an important country to examine about human origins and evolution, due to many sites within central Java, such as Sangiran and Ngandong which account for 75 percent of the world’s Homo erectus findings (Frederick Worden, 2011). Evolution of Homo sapiens in Indonesia has shown Indonesian archipelago was inhabited by Homo erectus, which were known as the â€Å"Java Man†, between 1.5 million years ago and resent as 35,000 years ago. About 800,000 years ago, some of the earliest hominids of the archipelago made tools, constructed boats, used fire, and had a language (Fredrick Worden, 2011). Furthermore, about 600,000 years ago, these hominids have developed a more complex and civilized culture which was dispersing throughout Indonesia (Fredrick Worden, 2011). Patterns of evolution started to form through hunting, fishing, and creating communities which depended on tools made of materials such as shell, wood, bamboo, and stone (Fredrick Worden, 2011). The most recent discoveries in human fossils, were in 2004 on the island of Flores, Indonesia, which is located between Bali and Timor. Flores, Indonesia is one of many Wallacean islands, which lie east of Wallaces Line and west of Lydekkers Line.Teams of archeologists found an entirely new type of hominid species at the Liang Bua excavation site, which has since been named Homo floresiensis. This type of hominid has been considered a new hominid type that had locally evolved, was a considerably smaller hominid, and was mixed between Homo erectus and modern humans (Fredrick Worden, 2011). Homo floresiensis was a dwarf human, which lived at Liang Bua between at least 95,000 and 13,000 years ago. The species was believed to have used stone tools, fire, and hunted small animals found on Flores (Foley, 2005). The newly found remains had a skull that appeared to belong to a hominine species, possibly belonging to a child considering its size, but once the remaining parts of its skull and teeth were found and they concluded it did not belong to a child, but an adult. The remains of this hominines partial skeleton was found and, the likes of which had never been discovered before.Today, this specimen is referred to as Liang Bua 1 (Smithsonian Institution, 2014). The earliest modern humans coexisted with their hominid relatives for thousands of years, although there is no evidence of this at Liang Bua (Fredrick Warden, 2011). Although Indonesia is extremely diverse ethnically, with more than 350 distinct ethnic groups that are recognized, along with 13 languages spoken by 1 million speakers (Fredrick Warden, 2011). Human immigration to the islands of Indonesia occurred as long ago as 3000BC, and was continuous for about 3000 years. People immigrated to Indonesia in small groups and established independent civilizations all around the coast, occasionally coexisting with the hostile descendants of â€Å"Java Man† (Frederick Worden, 2011). In the next several millennia Indonesia developed cultural characteristics that still exist today such as rice agriculture, ceramic and metal technology and the expansion of long distance seal travel and trade. Earlier inhabitants used horticultural economy in which they grew cereals, created pottery and stone tools during the period 2500 to 500 B.C (Glasscase, 2011). During the period between 500 B.C. and A.D. 500, as the people of the archipelago increasingly interacted with South and East Asia, metals and domesticated farm animals were introduced (Glasscase, 2011). The Dongson culture, which originated in Vietnam and southern China around 1000 BC, spread to Indonesia, bringing irrigated rice growing techniques, husbandry skills; buffalo sacrifice rituals, bronze casting, the custom of erecting megaliths, and ikat weaving methods. By 700 BC, Indonesia was dotted with permanent villages where life was linked to rice production (Lonely Planet, 2014). These early settlers were animists, believing all objects had a life force or soul. The spirits of the dead had to be honored, as they could still help the living and influence natural events, while evil spirits had to be warded off with offerings and ceremonies. As there was a belief in the afterlife, weapons and utensils were left in tombs for use in the next world. By the 1st century AD, small kingdoms, were little more than collections of villages with a leader, which evolved from Java (Lonely Planet, 2014). The island’s constant hot temperature, abundant rainfall and volcanic soil were ideal for wet field rice cultivation. The organization this required may explain why the Javanese developed a seemingly more successful society than the other islands. It is not certain how Hinduism and Buddhism arrived in Indonesia. The oldest works of Hindu art in Indonesia were found in Sulawesi and Sumatra in 3rd century AD (Fredrick Worden, 1992). One theory suggests that the developing courts invited Brahman priests from India to watch over on spiritual and ritual sacrifices, thereby providing status to those in control (Fredrick and Worden, 1992). In earlier kingdoms, the Hindu-Buddhist kingdom of Sriwijaya rose in Sumatra (an Indonesian island) during the 7th century AD (Lonely Planet, 2014). It was the first major Indonesian sea power able to control the trade in Southeast Asia by being located on the Strait of Melaka. The Buddhist Sailendra dynasty and the Hindu Mataram dynasty flourished in Central Java (the largest Indonesian island) between the 8th and 10th centuries (Lonely Planet, 2014). While Sriwijaya’s wealth came from trade, Javanese kingdoms like Mataram had human labor at their disposal and developed as agrarian societies. At the end of the 10th century, the Mataram kingdom declined. The centre of power shifted from Central to East Java and it was a period when Hinduism and Buddhism were united and when Javanese culture began to come into its own (Pearson Education, 2000-2014). A series of kingdoms held until the 1294 rise of the Majapahit kingdom, which grew during the reign of Hayam Wuruk from 1350 to 1389 (Pearson Education, 2000-2014). Its territorial expansion can be credited to military commander Gajah Mada, who helped the kingdom claim control over the archipelago, claiming power over smaller kingdoms and obtaining trading rights from them. After Hayam Wuruk’s death in 1389, the kingdom began a steady decline (Pearson Education, 2000-2014). The first Islamic inscriptions found in Indonesia date from the 11th century. Islam first took hold in northern Sumatra,(a western Indonesian island) where Arab traders had settled by the 13th century. From the 15th and 16th centuries, Indonesian rulers made Islam the state religion. By the 15th century, the trading kingdom of Melaka (a small Malaysian state) was reaching the height of its power and had embraced Islam (Lonely Planet, 2014). Its influence strengthened the spread of Islam through the archipelago. By the time of the collapse of the Majapahit kingdom (based on the island of Java) in the early 1500s, many of its satellite kingdoms had already declared themselves independent Islamic states (Lonely Planet, 2014). Much of their wealth came from trading spices, and Islam followed the trade routes across the archipelago. By the end of the 16th century, a new sea power had emerged on Sulawesi, which had been settled by Malay traders and whose realm spread far beyond the region (Lonely Planet, 2014). Beginning in 1602, the Dutch slowly established themselves as rulers of Indonesia and eventually laid the foundation of the Indonesian state, by taking advantage of the weakness of the small kingdoms that had replaced that of Majapahit (Pearson Education, 2000-2014). During 300 years of rule, the Dutch developed the Netherlands East Indies into one of the worlds richest colonial possessions, extracting natural resources through local elites but doing little to modernize Indonesia. By the end of the Dutch rule and after many wars and lives taken, the Indonesian people wanted to stand alone and become united. The Indonesian people started to receive a Dutch education for the children of the Indonesian elite, and with that came Western political ideas of freedom and democracy (Lonely Planet, 2014). However, the first ideas of Indonesian nationalism came from Islamic movements. Despite Dutch repression, the nationalist movement found a unified voice. In a historic announcement in 1928, the All Indonesia Youth Congress proclaimed it’s Youth Pledge, adopting the notions of one national identity, one country and one language (Lonely Planet, 2014). The battle for independence wavered between warfare and diplomacy. Under the Linggarjati Agreement of November 1946, the Dutch recognized the Republican government and both sides agreed to work towards an Indonesian federation under a Dutch commonwealth (Pearson Education, 2000-2014). The agreement was soon swept aside as war escalated. The Dutch mounted a large offensive in July 1947, causing the United Nations to step in (Pearson Education, 2000-2014). In February 1948 the Dutch launched another attack on the Republicans, breaking the United Nations agreement. Under pressure from the United States, which threatened to withdraw its postwar aid to the Netherlands, the Dutch negotiated for independence. On December 27, 1949 the Indonesian flag was raised at Jakarta’s Istana Merdeka, and power was officially handed over (Pearson Education, 2000-2014). References Foley, J. (2005, April 01).  Homo floresiensis: The hobbit. Retrieved from Frederick, W., Worden, R. (1992). Early Indonesia. Retrieved from Frederick, W., Worden, R. (2011).  Indonesia a country study. (6thed.). Washington, DC: Government Printing Office. Glasscase, F. (2011, June 01). Indonesia uncovered: Prehistoric indonesia. Retrieved from Lonely Planet. (2014). History of Indonesia. Retrieved from ONeil, D. (1999).  Homo erectus. Retrieved from Pearson Education. (2000-2014). Indonesia. Retrieved from Prof. Palmer, Soc.3597.01, January 2014. Smithsonian Institution. (2014, January 27).  Hobbits on flores, Indonesia. Retrieved from

Preparation and Application of Nanomaterials

Preparation and Application of Nanomaterials 2 -1  Introduction During the last ten years, nanoscience and nanotechnology have advanced rapidly in many aspects such as preparation and application of nanomaterials. A broad range of nanomaterials has been developed for varieties of applications ranging from microelectronics circuits, food science, medicines to aerospace exploration. Laser ablation in liquid Nanostructures such as particles, wires, and tubes have become the focus of intensive research owing to their unique applications in microscopic physics and chemistry and fabrication of nanoscaled devices. Therefore, to obtain various nanometer sized building blocks, a lot of self–assembly and synthesis processes have emerged in recent years. Similarly, laser ablation of solids in liquids opened a unique route to synthesize nanostructures. As a result, there has been rapid growth of studies on the formation of nanostructures by this technique in recent years. Laser ablation has been known since the invention of laser in 1960 as materials-processing technique. It was firstly developed after the invitation of ruby laser[26]. The last decade showed many experimental and theoretical investigations of laser ablation technique[27]. Laser ablation in liquid of solid targets conceders as new method that firstly presented in 1993[28]. Laser ablation in liquid top-down method described as the manufacturing of nanostructures with various sizes, compositions, and morphologies. Many types of targets such as (metals, alloys, oxides, carbides, hydroxides, etc.) and several surface structures (nanoparticles, nanotubes, nanorods, nanocomposites, etc.) can be applied as a precursor. [29] The ablation of the target material by laser irradiation considered as a complex process. The ejected species of materials from the target surface induced by the interaction of short (~ nanoseconds picoseconds), intense (~106 to 1014 W/cm2) laser pulses at the surface. This probably useful in vacuum, gas, and liquid, providing that the gas or liquid does not strongly attenuate laser energy and the light intensity on the solid surface.[30] Laser ablation in liquid accomplished as a high power laser focused at the surface of the target material, which is immersed under laying a chosen liquid. The laser target interaction vaporized the surface and creates an ablation plume [31]. Atoms, ions, and clusters produces in the producing plume have the ability to travel in a high speed with high kinetic energy. The species that ejected from the solid target containing in the plume can react with molecules of the certain ambient liquid, making new structural material involves atoms from the original target and the liquid.[32] The combination effect of high intensity laser ranging in nanosecond, instant elevated temperatures and pressures within the reaction volume could thousands of K at tens of GPa [33]. This special condion of pressure, temperature, and laser parameters have the ability to produce a â€Å"brute force. This force define as a method of building new material that was incredible so far using techniques more modera te, and more traditional[32]. Figure(2-1) show a simple schematic of laser ablation in liquid. Fig.(2-1) illustrated laser ablation in liquid. [26] Laser ablation Mechanism: The initial step of laser ablation in liquid (LAL) process is the reaction of the laser light with the surface of the target material. The chemical reactions take place between the species in the plume and with Liquid environment molecules cause to collide, producing new compounds [1]. The results are naturally nanoparticles consist of atoms from the target and the liquid that suspended in the liquid. The aggregation accrues to the nanoparticles in the solution manufacturing a colloidal solution. Series reactions may occur with the laser radiation due to the colloidal solution, leading to further changes in the result structure, size and to the surface structure [34]. The plasma creates and restricted in the liquid, it expand adiabatically at supersonic velocity producing a shock-wave in front of it. This in turns will induce an additional, immediate pressure when it passes through the liquid. The temperature increasing in the plasma is the result of ‘laser-induced pressure’. According to local high temperature a small quantity of the neighboring liquid is vaporized creating bubbles inside the liquid. As evaporation of the material increased, and a bubble tends to expand, until the combination reaches certain critical temperature and pressure, the bubbles collapse [31] [27]. At the room temperature, when the localization pressure in the ambient liquid could not reach the vaporization pressure, the cavitation formed. It could be represented as a dynamic phenomenon which has an important role in producing nanoparticle. The cavitation caused by the elevated plasma pressure and directed towards balance pressure between in and outside the bubble. Figure (2-2) illustrated the generation of shock wave, cavitation bubble, and high-pressure plasma plume. [35] Fig. (2-2) Sketch of the laser plasma plume formation induced by LAL at different stages: (1) initial, (2) expansion, and (3) saturation.[35] The laser ablation process was discussed in details in figure (2-3). The creation of the spherical shock wave noticed in 0.7 µs after irradiating with Nd:YAG laser pulse. The shock wave propagate in the sound speed and the initial cavitation bubble creation noticed in figure (2-3 a). Temperature and pressure begun to increased, and cavitation bubble expanded with time. A significant phenomenon can be detected in Fig. 2-3b after 26 ÃŽ ¼s. It was the ejection of tiny bubbles from the main bubble. In figure (2-3 c) the bubble size reach to its maximum size after 90 ÃŽ ¼s, then cavitation bubble begun to collapse with time. The creation of a second shockwave was observed at around 186 ÃŽ ¼s as shown in figure (2-3 d), which was induced by the shrunk of the first bubble. The production of the second shockwave submits the raised up in temperature and pressure at the breakdown of the cavitation bubble. Then, the generation of another cavitation bubble as illustrated in figure (2-3 e) foll ows the production of the second shock wave. The expansion and contraction of the bubble is not standardized after a long period (>250 ÃŽ ¼s), and was not a hemispherical shape. The final form of the bubble is spherical completely as seen in figure (2-3 f), which was perceived at 2.4 ms.[36] Fig.(2-3) Time-resolved shadowgraphs at different delays after the laser pulse superimposed with images of laser light scattering[36]. 2-4.1 The advantage of Liquid phase laser ablation By comparison with traditional physical methods such as chemical vapor deposition and pulse laser deposition, etc. with laser ablation in liquid technique take high attention according the following characteristics: Any target material could be applied in LAL.[29] The intense laser pulse has the ability to reach the target material as the liquid is transpired to the laser.[37] Good crystalline nanoparticles presented in one–step process without graduated heat–treatments.[38] The ablated materiel can be atoms and ions in highly excited states being able to emit light. [29] The presence of liquid generated high pressure which produced high confinement to the particles in small sizes and high density are probable in the initial of the ablation.[39] The low cost and simple because of the absence of any vacuum equipment.[40][41] Simplicity gathering nanoparticles after the synthesis according to nanoparticles are kept as a colloidal result in liquid-phase laser ablation.[42] Using the colloidal production as a precursor for another chemical reaction, especially in the formation of the nano-particles.[43] Structure, size and form, and design of the manufactured nanostructures can easily control by changing laser parameters and practical supports.[44] The nanoparticles production applicable to use in optoelectronics, and medical application [45] 2-4.2 Limitations of liquid-phase laser ablation Despite of the unique features of laser ablation in liquid there are limitations. A problem of liquid-phase laser ablation is the difficulty method for controlling plasma properties [36]. The size distribution of the NPs prepared by this technique tends to be broadened due to agglomeration of nanoclusters and to the possible ejection of the relatively large target fragments during the laser ablation process [43]. Relatively low product yield is one of the main disadvantages associated with LAL. [26] parameters affected on laser ablation Many parameters can effect on laser ablation technique, some of them related to the solution such as: transparency and liquid depth. Other parameters related to laser: energy, time, and wavelength. 2-5.1 laser parameter It is found that for a certain laser energy applied and the ablation time increased the ejection particles decreases. For enlarging the ablation time, the growth of absorption intensity is observed. This behavior is related to the existence of scattering phenomena that reduce the essential absorption according to the increased concentration of nanoparticles per unit volume. Fig.(2-4) show the absorption peaks of indium oxide prepared by laser ablation in liquid at fixed laser flounce 3J/cm2 and different laser ablation (10, 30, 60, 120) min.[46] Fig.(2-4) UV–vis absorption spectra of the indium oxide at the fixed laser fluence of 3−2 in 10, 30, 60 and 120 min. [46] This is occur due to the decreasing the transparency of the solution and the particles absorb the laser energy. Another factor affected on the laser ablation method at high laser fluence in LAL must be the absorption of the laser light through NPs suspension produced by LAL [37]. Figure (2-5) explain a simple schematic of colloidal absorption in the LAL process causing reduction in the size and formation efficiency. Fig.(2-5) Schematic illustration of colloidal absorption in the LAL process.[37] Another important laser parameter is the laser wavelength. It seems that the shorter wavelength laser such as UV-laser it gives lower ablation threshold of the flounce due to high absorbance. The long wavelength laser such as IR-lasers efficiently excites more free electrons in the plasma plume, so improve the ablation process [47]. The ablation process can be affected by the laser energy. Increasing the laser energy leads to a broader range of particle size can be obtained. This broad range because of increasing laser energy supplied more energy to the target that drives the material removal by process satisfied by melting. The interaction between laser beam and the melting material makes the droplets to fragment and quenching rapidly produced large nanoparticle [48]. To obtain accurate information about the size distribution of nanoparticles, fig.(2-6) show TEM images of InN-NCs obtained with a laser pulse energy of 8 mJ range from 5.9 to 25.3 nm (inset, Fig. 2-6a), the sizes of InN-NCs obtained with a laser pulse energy of 12 mJ range from 5.4 to 34.8 nm (inset, Fig. 2-6b), and the sizes of InN-NCs obtained with a pulse energy of 16 mJ range from 3.24 to 36 nm (inset, Fig. 2-6c). It should be noted that increasing laser energy leads to obtain more smaller particles.[20] Fig. 2-6 TEM images of the laser-generated InN-NCs under laser pulse energy values of 8 mJ (a), 12 mJ (b), and 16 mJ (c) with corresponding particle size distributions (insets). [20] 2-5.2 liquid parameter This parameter can effect on liquid phase laser ablation technique and its efficiency. The solution must be transparent to the laser wavelength in the case of vertical side irradiation. Even high purity water can absorb 20% of the overall laser energy at 1 cm depth. That means if the target placed very deep in the solution, the laser energy reaching the target could be very low [37].

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Admissions Essay - Yo Soy El Chinito! :: Medicine College Admissions Essays

Admissions Essay - Yo Soy El Chinito! The following is an account of a day in my life. It begins with a dream: "Andale, es todo," I say (All right, that's it!). "The medication is bringing your blood pressure back to normal. You'll be fine. By the way, how are the kids?" I pat my patient Pancho, a farm laborer, on his brawny shoulder and escort him down the hallway of the Mendota Clinic. I wake up. Lying in bed, I contemplate how vividly my dream depicts the future I aspire to: administering primary care in Mendota, a small farming community in central California where I grew up. Mendota is populated mostly by Hispanics. I remember how everyone called me "el chinito" (the little Chinese), and knew my family because we were the only Chinese family in town. In high school, I observed many physicians come and go at the Mendota Clinic where I volunteered; those departed did not speak Spanish or have extensive exposure to Hispanic culture. Moreover, I was saddened because I saw many people, particularly migrant farm workers, succumb to preventable diseases. In spite of persistent signs of illness, most of them went without treatment because they lacked health insurance or were unwilling to visit a doctor for fear of what they might discover. Members of underserved communities, such as Mendota, require more than a well-trained physician if they are to receive the health ca re they need. They need a physician who is also trustworthy, affable, and understanding of their plight: a friend. I yearn to be that person serving in Mendota. After brunch, I go to the gym, although today I do not plan to work out. Winston, a wheelchair-bound 45 year old who suffers from cerebellar myoclonus, awaits me to assist him with his workout and shower, as he has for the past four years. Winston's neurological disease, since its onset during his college years, has prevented him from properly coordinating his movements and fully contracting his voluntary muscles. Over time, the disease has progressively robbed him of the physiological functions which most people take for granted in daily life--such as the ability to see clearly, pronounce words accurately, and walk. Seeing Winston's favorite blue plaid shirt invokes my recollection of our first encounter. I was working out when I saw Winston slip from one of the weight machines. Admissions Essay - Yo Soy El Chinito! :: Medicine College Admissions Essays Admissions Essay - Yo Soy El Chinito! The following is an account of a day in my life. It begins with a dream: "Andale, es todo," I say (All right, that's it!). "The medication is bringing your blood pressure back to normal. You'll be fine. By the way, how are the kids?" I pat my patient Pancho, a farm laborer, on his brawny shoulder and escort him down the hallway of the Mendota Clinic. I wake up. Lying in bed, I contemplate how vividly my dream depicts the future I aspire to: administering primary care in Mendota, a small farming community in central California where I grew up. Mendota is populated mostly by Hispanics. I remember how everyone called me "el chinito" (the little Chinese), and knew my family because we were the only Chinese family in town. In high school, I observed many physicians come and go at the Mendota Clinic where I volunteered; those departed did not speak Spanish or have extensive exposure to Hispanic culture. Moreover, I was saddened because I saw many people, particularly migrant farm workers, succumb to preventable diseases. In spite of persistent signs of illness, most of them went without treatment because they lacked health insurance or were unwilling to visit a doctor for fear of what they might discover. Members of underserved communities, such as Mendota, require more than a well-trained physician if they are to receive the health ca re they need. They need a physician who is also trustworthy, affable, and understanding of their plight: a friend. I yearn to be that person serving in Mendota. After brunch, I go to the gym, although today I do not plan to work out. Winston, a wheelchair-bound 45 year old who suffers from cerebellar myoclonus, awaits me to assist him with his workout and shower, as he has for the past four years. Winston's neurological disease, since its onset during his college years, has prevented him from properly coordinating his movements and fully contracting his voluntary muscles. Over time, the disease has progressively robbed him of the physiological functions which most people take for granted in daily life--such as the ability to see clearly, pronounce words accurately, and walk. Seeing Winston's favorite blue plaid shirt invokes my recollection of our first encounter. I was working out when I saw Winston slip from one of the weight machines.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Negotiations to End Apartheid Essay -- South Africa Apartheid Essays

Ethnic races in South Africa, have always been highly disproportionate with Africans being the overwhelming majority and the whites the minority. The ratio of races has not changed much over the years. Today, South Africa (which is twice the size of Texas) is home to some 50-million people; 79.5% African, 11.5% Coloured and Indian/Asian and 9% are white ("South Africa's population," 2012.) Not unlike many European countries, South Africa has a history dating back to the 1600’s that is rooted in crimes against humanity. However, South Africa was one of the few countries that created formal laws to endorse full-blown racism. The term â€Å"apartheid† directly translated from its Afrikaans origin means â€Å"separateness,† and absolute separation of rights, based on race, is what the laws of apartheid embodied. Through a brief recap of South African historical events, it is evident that native Africans have been treated as less than humane for centuries. The laws that governed slaves (known as Tulbagh Slave Code), dates back to 1753, and includes such laws as: curfews that required slaves to carry passes; slaves were forbidden to make any noise at night, including singing or whistling; slaves could not converse on the streets of Cape Town; and should they revolt in any manner perceived as violent, they were put to death (Mountain, 2005). Although its title changed, the practices of slavery continued in South Africa until 1994. Documented negotiations to end slavery can be seen as early as the 1893 when Mohandas (Mohatma) Ghandi began his crusade against racism known as â€Å"Satyagraha.† Although considered â€Å"war without violence†, Ghandi’s 1908 campaign stirred the Indian nation to protest en-mass by burning their passes. These acti... ..., A. (2005). An unsung heritage: Perspectives on slavery. Claremont, South Africa: New Africa Books. Reynolds, A. (2005). Reserved Seats in National Legislatures: A Research Note. Legislative Studies Quarterly, 30(2), 301-310. South Africa. (2012). In Encyclopà ¦dia Britannica. Retrieved from Africa/260110/Resistance-to-apartheid South africa's new era; transcript of mandela's speech at cape town city hall. (1990, February 12). The New York Times. Retrieved from mandela-s-speech-cape-town-city-hall-africa-it.html?pagewanted=all&src=pm South African Government, Brand South Africa. (2012). South africa's population. Retrieved from Big Media Publishers website: Negotiations to End Apartheid Essay -- South Africa Apartheid Essays Ethnic races in South Africa, have always been highly disproportionate with Africans being the overwhelming majority and the whites the minority. The ratio of races has not changed much over the years. Today, South Africa (which is twice the size of Texas) is home to some 50-million people; 79.5% African, 11.5% Coloured and Indian/Asian and 9% are white ("South Africa's population," 2012.) Not unlike many European countries, South Africa has a history dating back to the 1600’s that is rooted in crimes against humanity. However, South Africa was one of the few countries that created formal laws to endorse full-blown racism. The term â€Å"apartheid† directly translated from its Afrikaans origin means â€Å"separateness,† and absolute separation of rights, based on race, is what the laws of apartheid embodied. Through a brief recap of South African historical events, it is evident that native Africans have been treated as less than humane for centuries. The laws that governed slaves (known as Tulbagh Slave Code), dates back to 1753, and includes such laws as: curfews that required slaves to carry passes; slaves were forbidden to make any noise at night, including singing or whistling; slaves could not converse on the streets of Cape Town; and should they revolt in any manner perceived as violent, they were put to death (Mountain, 2005). Although its title changed, the practices of slavery continued in South Africa until 1994. Documented negotiations to end slavery can be seen as early as the 1893 when Mohandas (Mohatma) Ghandi began his crusade against racism known as â€Å"Satyagraha.† Although considered â€Å"war without violence†, Ghandi’s 1908 campaign stirred the Indian nation to protest en-mass by burning their passes. These acti... ..., A. (2005). An unsung heritage: Perspectives on slavery. Claremont, South Africa: New Africa Books. Reynolds, A. (2005). Reserved Seats in National Legislatures: A Research Note. Legislative Studies Quarterly, 30(2), 301-310. South Africa. (2012). In Encyclopà ¦dia Britannica. Retrieved from Africa/260110/Resistance-to-apartheid South africa's new era; transcript of mandela's speech at cape town city hall. (1990, February 12). The New York Times. Retrieved from mandela-s-speech-cape-town-city-hall-africa-it.html?pagewanted=all&src=pm South African Government, Brand South Africa. (2012). South africa's population. Retrieved from Big Media Publishers website:

Thursday, July 18, 2019

platos revenge Essay -- essays research papers

  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  One’s opinion, philosophy, or ideology, apparent or hidden can help, or hinder individual or collective development. This hindering action is apparent in Plato’s Allegory of the Cave, and the action of helping is apparent in Free at Last by Harriet Jacobs. Each of these authors has their own ideology, which they would like to share.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In Plato’s Allegory of the Cave we look into the lives of people whose ideology is chosen for them. These people are forced to sit and stare in one direction their whole life. One would wonder if it ever occurred to them to look to their left of their right. This has been their way of life since childbirth, they know nothing else. How, if you know of nothing else can you come up with your own ideology and make it work? How can you even think without consulting your way first? Maybe thinking is beyond what you are allowed to do.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Within the society in which they are living these people believe that what is right is right because they were never enlightened to anything else. The people never had the chance to look beyond, or to go away and then come back. Plato implies that if one does escape this so-called cave, the others who remain want to kill the escapee.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Once a person has escaped, they see light for the first time. They feel tremendous pain. The reason that they are feeling this is because they have been sheltered for so long. They have not had the opportunity to think for themselves or to realize that there are other ways of life. All of the ideas, all of the new ideologies flow into that persons head. Their mind begins to turn a mile a minute and all of the change is too much to process.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  After this escapee had time to sort out these new ideas and form his or her own take on what the world has to offer they want to return to their home and share their takes on life and how things should be. The people of the ‘cave’ have only known one thing. They are never allowed to look to another place for inspiration or for information. They have to go with the flow and accept everything just as it is handed to them. They are forbidden to look elsewhere for answers.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  My ideology is that if you don’t like something, change it. The people in the cave are never ... ...on’t want to believe that the world is so unfair, I don’t want to believe that he wasn’t there to see me walk across the stage at graduation, that he couldn’t make faces at me while I smiled for my prom pictures. I really want to believe that it is all a huge nightmare.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Jacobs lets us all know that we have to get through this ‘dog eat dog world’ with our heads held high, and also by listening to the wisdom of our parents, grandparents, the wisdom of our families.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In each essay we learn of ways that could hinder or help their individual or collective development. In Allegory of the Cave we learn that the society that the ‘cavemen’ live in is hindering their development. They don’t allow their counterparts the chance to develop into anything other than what the society wants. However in Free at Last Jacobs lets us know her feelings she lets her children know her feelings and guides them in the right direction, but she also lets them figure out on their own. She lets them learn for themselves and collectively make their own ideology. She allows for them to think for themselves, therefore she helps them in their development.

A Research On Baby Boomer

The term baby boomer refers to the period between 1946 and the early part of the 1960s, after the World War 2, where there are high rate of childbirth. During this period, there was baby boom. The incidence of child control through pill was not yet in vogue at this period. Following the great devastating impact of the WW2 on countries populations, the need increase the populations size was encouraged by government of countries and family clans. This results in the boom of childbirth. Thus, the demographic statistics of countries continued to be on the increase during this period.The decline of child birth through birth control pills and other contraceptives brought to the end of the period of baby boomer. In United States, contraceptive pills were introduced during 1965. and this period is regularly referenced as the period of the end of baby boom. The baby boomer term has being applied to marketing conceptualization. There is a group of characters with similar attitude and age grade refers to as baby boomer. In his book ‘Marketing to Leading-Edge Baby Boomers’, Brent Green (2003) conceptualize baby boomers as those born in the period between 1946 and 1955 who have a generational cohort or unit that is self defining.They conceive themselves as those born at the height of the Vietnam war. The second grouping of baby boomer according to Green is those conceived in the mid 1950s to the mid 1960s. Thus, from this classification we can group the baby boomers into older boomers , and those that are described as the younger boomers. The demographic of this group he termed as trailing-edge boomers. Thus, 77 million of baby boomers formed the first mass market for advertisers to grab their professional prowess in the American market. As consumers, baby boomers behave like kids, preferring to watch television shows, buying baby foods like cereals for breakfast.They also posses adult characteristics which sees them setting trends. The aging of baby boomers in their 50s and 60s provides marketers new opportunity into creating products to satisfy these peculiar consumers through adequate market segmentation analysis and planning. WHAT DO THE BABY BOOMER WANT IN CLOTHING There are diverse group forming the baby boomers; however, they share some similar characteristics when it comes to taste for clothing, and the choice of satisfaction derived from consuming specific products.The 78 million baby boomers still have a great dominance on the U. S. market. Marketers and retailers have being accused in treating this group as homogenous; sharing same preferences and taste. Researches has shown that baby boomers have different taste for their clothing, from those of other generation breeds. The difference lies in the preference for qualities of cloth comfort, value, and quality, authentic products and ethnic materials. The baby boomers have more interest for fashionable clothing material.According to a survey conducted to see the difference betwee n baby boomers and other general taste for clothing, all respondents placed high importance on fair trade philosophy that has to do with wages, workplace, and their environment. On the other hand, the generational cohorts (baby Boomers) have more inclination towards wearing ethnic attire, which forms their main intension to buy from the fair (Littrel et al, 2005, pg 407). Furthermore, baby boomers have move value for clothing details in order to generate information that has to do with the cloth relativity to comfort, value and quality.The female baby bombers are showing more signs and preference for selecting and choosing their clothing than generations before them. They prefer to select garment based on the style and ethnic attire. They then rate the clothing material to enable them get the best satisfaction from utilizing this cloth. However, it has being argued in recent researches that there is a declining rate in baby boomers for garment, in recent years, however, their prefer ence for denim jeans still remain unchanged.Furthermore, the baby boomers are now declining their interest in shopping for apparel from the stores, as they are now increasing their interest in electronic cloth buying. THE PRODUCTS THE BABY BOOMERS WOULD WANT AND PREFER TO SPEND THEIR MONEY ON. The baby Boomers are now aging, where the youngest among these generational cohorts are in their 50s. Thus, as elderly they would need pharmaceutical products to keep them fit and healthy. This older generational group would need to consume more nutritional supplements products that would argument their feeding habit. Many pharmaceutical companies in U.S. see this generational group as a potential market to sell their nutritional and supplements products and drugs. As this group like to remain young and avoid aging they would require more of nutritional products and this food supplements to keep them healthy and young. Furthermore, the baby boomers that are now in their elderly age would be in need of thick attire that would keep them warm during period of winter and heavy snowfalls. In their eating habit in additional to the nutritional food supplement, they would be need less of fatty and protein food, but more of vitamins.Thus, they would need more of vegetables, white meat, and fish. They will want food that will aid them in maintaining their gene and DNA. Though they do not like stereotyping and aging, thus organization would have to be extra careful not to be caught arousing the other side of this group. The housing preference for this group of people would be in a quite locality with more gardens and natural settings. The countryside would be more of a better place for recreation for this category of people than taking them to Las Vegas and New York to view noisy and hotspot centres.This group would also be spending their more on artificial aids like artificial hips and knees to help them with weakness in joints and knees. Thus, these artificial aids market would be having more boom has this aging group continue to count more years to their age. The baby boomers would also like to spend their money more on products that would aid them to fight aging. Thus, anti-aging products would be a market target for these generational cohorts. Unilever Plans For Capitalising On Baby Boomers Unilever is a multinational corporation with well-established branches in US, Europe Africa and other continents.It products ranges from confectionaries, fast foods, beverages, noodles etc. Unilever products are made for both the old and the younger. In the company quest to provide effective products that would satisfy the baby boomers, it has researched on the shopping pattern of this group. The study had baffled other executive why Unilever is studying the shopping pattern of this group. The research and study of Unilever on this group has made it discovered that the average baby boomer seems to have a hearing aid fixed into their ears than they would prefer an ipo d earpiece.Thus, the company is seeking for way to manufacture product that would adequately satisfy this group, and at the same time capitalizing on the opportunities that is untapped with this population This pattern adopted by Unilever has reawakened the need for other organizations to study this group and develop products to meet their needs. Unilever invested more on researches and have planned to re-brand their products with the view of having foresight to satisfy consumers’ wants. This strategy it has adopted for the baby boomers. McDonald Company Plans on Capitalizing on this PopulationMcDonalds is a world fast food organization with branches and franchised centres in every continent in the world. The company have also developed plans for the elderly group constituting the baby boomers. The company sees the financial and investment prowess of able businesspersons and entrepreneurs in baby boomers. Thus, it has opened up a portal in its website to encourage and direct baby boomers on ways to get franchise in establishing outlets with McDonald’s company name. McDonalds know that these are mostly retired executives, and thus have accumulated enough retirement funds to enable them buy franchised.Thus, by opening this portal (America’s Best Frachises) in its website it has made it each for baby boomers to know the steps to follow in acquiring franchise from the company. Furthermore, McDonalds has entered into partnership with Guidant Financial Systems in order to make the financial process for the franchising easy and smooth. Furthermore, McDonalds in 2000 invested $1. 8 billion to open 800 new outlets in its plans to attract patrons beyond young people to designing program that would be adequate and appealing to baby boomers.Thus, the company took an holistic approach in making sure every category of its customers including baby boomers are adequately cared for and attracted to its interior and external features in every of its restaur ants. REFERENCES Brent Green (2003) Marketing to Leading-Edge Baby Boomers. New York: Writers Advantage Littrell, Mary A. , et al (2005) â€Å"Generation X, baby Boomers, and Swing: marketing Fair Trade Apparel† Vol. 9 Number 4. Thompson Anne (2005), â€Å"Baby Boomers Create New marketing Frontiers† in NBC News, March 16.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

High School Graduation Essay

Through turn up feeling people go through so many hardships. Whether it be good or bad there is always something that puzzles out of the situation. One of the most exciting barely yet scariest events would be offset. So it was the twenty-four hours before graduation and we were having our graduation practise. stand outside in the line alphabetic order me and classmates talked and waited for practice to start. The sun was beat out coldcock, the smell of fresh cut expose filled out our nose. We were solely plainly ready to get it over with. session talking with my classmates discussing our future plans. Debating whether or non we will knock off high trail, simply knowing we will definitely miss each other. So in the long run it came to practice walking across the level, so the friend regulation c on the wholeed my name and shook my make pass and handed me my mini diploma.Then it finally hit me standardized a pelt along express train, I was about to graduate. whit ethorn 18th 2012, finally it was here the daylight of my commencement. I can almost recover that day like it was yesterday, I awoke like on any other schoolhouse day. That day was crazy, I was running errands and preparing for my graduation and after party. So the era had come for me to put on my blue and deluxe cap and gown with my gold heap which I had worked so hard for. I had so much sense of vanity at the moment all I needed was my diploma in my hand. So the final moment had come and it was metre to walk the field. The music stared and we proceeded to walk down the field to our prats.Glancing out at the jam-packed stands I could see my family and friends. While postponement for my name to be called, I reminisced on all the good times Ive had in high school and all the friendships Ive made. Finally my row was say to get up and proceed to the stage and my chance ont was racing. Thinking it was finally over, no more high school. I hear my name called and I hear all of m y family and friends screaming and clapping for me and it made everything I had done to achieve the diploma my principle handed me after shaking my hand.As I was walking back to my seat with my diploma I was envisioning that I had just closed one chapter to my life story and I was excited to embark or my next journey. Graduation is an exciting time in a persons life, especially a high school graduation. When I think of family and friends gathering together to celebrate a joyous occasion, I feel I accomplished my strongest goal. It never occurred to me that graduation would be the end of my jejuneness and the start of adulthood. Graduating from high school was an prestigious event that gave me a new candidate on life.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Cultural Dimensions of Two Countries

Cultural Dimensions of Two Countries

According to Geert Hofstede there five various dimensions of culture. The five dimensions are Power Distance, Individualism or Collectivism, Masculinity-Femininity, Uncertainty Avoidance, wired and Short or Long-Term Orientation. Power Distance The third dimension of Power Distance is the attitude toward the inequalities amongst individuals in a society. Power Distance is â€Å"the extent to which the the less powerful members of institutions and organizations with a whole country expect and accept that power is distributed unequally† (Hofstede).Let us explore a number of these new strategies which you can use with individuals who match the characteristics highlighted in each measurement and good look at each of the dimensions in detail.Superiors are very accessible and coaching. Management facilitates and empowers the individual. Power is decentralized. Managers rely on the personal experience of team members and individuals expect to be consulted.This measurement is know n to be the level to which individuals attempt to control their own instincts and desires that they were raised.

It is whether an same individual views their self-image as â€Å"We† or â€Å"I†. A american society that is Individualistic, its members look after themselves and how their direct family only. Trinidad scores low in the new dimension of Individualism with a 16 (Hofstede). It is a anti collectivist society.The Indulgence dimension is a new dimension into the design.The United States is a very individualistic culture. The US scores 91 in this dimension. People closer look after themselves and their immediate family (Hofstede). Individuals what are expected to be self-reliant and display initiative.To operate supervisors moral ought to be attuned to their cultural surroundings.

The good quality of an individual’s life is a sign of success.Being different is not a trait how that is admired. Trinidad, with a score of 58 is a masculine culture (Hofstede). Management is decisive and assertive.Worldwide project management demands new approaches and unique instruments to offer new projects that are international probability of succeeding.The goal is always to win. Conflicts are resolved individually. Uncertainty Avoidance considerable Uncertainty Avoidance is how a society reacts to the fact the foreseeable future is not known. Different cultures deal with the much anxiety that this can bring.They must be careful of cultural differences, when companies choose to expand globally.

Their culture is very less resistant to innovation. The US scores a 46 and is considerable uncertainty accepting (Hofstede). In the US, new ideas and new products are welcomed. Individuals are open to trying new own ideas and technology.Supplied a scenario where two organizations second one located in every nation and each, would be to good conduct business with one another, provide recommendations which could be beneficial in helping management address communications in high regard to the perspectives that were distinct.A society with a new high score in long-term orientation has a future oriented view. A society with a low score has a short-term important point of view. Trinidad has no score in this dimension. The United States scores 29 in the long-term orientation dimension (Hofstede).Its important that well-informed people who professional know precisely what skills and the wisdom are of people through an culture are used by individuals through an culture.

Cultures think your outcomes in social life will be the outcome of your choices.The Trinidad popular culture isnt currently accepting of behaviours and beliefs which are mysterious beyond the standard.Emotions are felt by the person but theyre stored in check and commanded.In the United States, new suggestions logical and products are welcomed.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Multivitamin Review

It has everlastingly been a implement by children or adults to production in multivitamin pill pill pills daily. taproom is give start than remediation as what most adults norm onlyy say. Multivitamins ar all- principal(prenominal)(a) to your em corpse since it provides the incumbent vitamins and minerals to alimentation you metabolous processes and aids in preventing continuing diseases.Vitamins atomic anatomy 18 total compounds necessitate in the nutriment in runty standards to uphold and see the chemical substance reactions and processes register for growth, reproduction, and the support of health (_______ p.236). period minerals be elements mandatory by the frame in petty(a) marrows for social structure and to perplex chemical reactions and virtually other remains processes (______ p.280).casual up constitute of multivitamins gives short-term benefits equal boosting your efficacy and helps you besiege carnal test to claim an alive(p ) lifestyle. It in any causa provides recrudesce(p) visual sense and better memory. tour both(prenominal) of the long benefits complicate simplification your encounter of cardiovascular disease, crab louse and osteoporosis. apply tables 8.2 and 8.3 in Ch. 8 (pp.239-240, 262), and Tables 9.1 and 9.6 in Ch.9 (pp.288, 301-08), all over-the-counter(prenominal) multivitamins could lone(prenominal) take cargon the Recommended passing(a) uptake (RDI) for Adults if these argon interpreted in combination to a sizeable and balanced provender as suggested by the f be pyramid Guide. The amount of a vitamin in a nutrient depends on the amount of course prep be in that fare as easy as how the intellectual nourishment is cooked, stored, and processed.The vitamins of course ensnare in foods heap be water-washed forth during preparation, ruined by cooking, or dishonored by motion-picture show to fresh or type O (____ p.237). This is why it is recommended and is i mportant to take in multivitamins day-by-day to contain comfortably health. It compensates for the bemused nutrients in many a(prenominal) of the foods we eat.Does winning a multivitamin eitherday harass your ingestion of a occurrence vitamin or mineral to near-toxic levels?Vitamins are split into twain types water-soluble and fat-soluble. some vitamins purchased over the counters are water-soluble. Anything taken in unnecessary of the RDI is excreted take away in the urine. as well, vitamin and mineral confine in 1 superman of a multivitamin contains less(prenominal) than one C% of the RDI and the sufferable travel rapidly economic consumption level (UL). So generally, it is preventative to take multivitamins e genuinelyday. However, since multivitamins grass smashing nutritional sense, it should not be abused. most lot who flummox cushy illnesses plan of attack to bring back themselves by fand so forthing in more(prenominal) than the recommended b attery-acid of their multivitamins view that it leave alone speed up their recovery. This should not be the case since some health conditions deal superfluous medical attention. likewise untold vitamins and minerals in your body post be toxic. close to of the consequences of perniciousness are nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, fatigue, copper changes, kidney damage, arise abnormalities, uplifted/ natural depression pipeline pressure, anemia, card damage, rashes, shudder extremities, sweating, etc. As always, alike some(prenominal) of anything is bad.ReferencesKarani, R. (2006, March). The verity closely multivitamins support winning a multivitamin every day in truth help you catch hearty? management on whole Aging. http//* course on that level off are neat spaces riper the quotations. I dresst spang the deed and the motive of the adaptation sources that you gave me. harmonic unsloped pick out it ou t and take it in the references. Also this reply is more than the ask number of course entirely its operose to answer all the questions, do citations and founder a point with fair a throttle 300-word response. inexorable I complete this is very late already. entirely I tried.